Appointment Planner Tool
Welcome to the Appointment Preparation Tool
years, or your fourth in six months, you can learn how to prepare
and get support on what happens afterwards.
Responses to the Appointment Preparation Tool are not saved or collected.
I usually just turn up. Why do I need to prepare?
Planning could help me...
select the answers that best apply to you
During appointments, these are some
areas your doctor listens out for:
Before your appointment
Clearly communicating your goals to your doctor will
help them to make management suggestions.
Answer all the questions below to start your plan and the Appointment
Preparation Tool will do the rest.
1 First of all, let’s revisit the goals you set with the Goal Writing Assistant.
If you haven't completed the Goal Writing Assistant yet, we recommend
you complete this step. Alternatively, feel free to skip this step.
2 Now, let's think about your symptoms and frequency.
What symptoms have you been experiencing in the last month?
Tick the answers that best apply to you
How often do you experience these symptoms?
Select the answer that best applies to you
3 Next - let's think about how condition impacts your everyday life.
Explain which area, or areas, of your life are impacted here.
You can also note if any other aspects of your life are affected by AD. If you have completed the AD Impact Analyzer, you can refer back to your results. If you are yet to complete the AD Impact Analyzer, give it a go afterwards.
How does your condition make you feel?
Tick the answer that best applies to you
4 It's question time.
What questions would you like to ask during your appointment?
No question is silly question; they let your doctor know that you're engaged in your care.
You've completed all of the questions and have taken a step forward. Keep it up!
Now you can download, print or save to your phone.
If you'd now like to take a deep dive (5-10 mins) into appointment preparation, click here.